
Wednesday 24 October 2012

I'll Be Back

Dear footie,
I'll be back in one year time
I'll be back with a new key
I'll be back to my prime.

Dear footie,
I'll be back in another twelve months
I'll be back when the chain is free
I'll be back and continue my hunts.

Dear footie,
I'll be back and restore my lead
I'll be back slow and steady
I'll be back when He says, "You're on kid!"

Dear footie,
I'll be back come what may
I'll be back.

p/s: ho toh amek nok ngak,puah puahsang tercipte sajok bahasa inggerih sedah

Tuesday 23 October 2012

A Snake from the Dark Cave

This is my observation for the past three weeks when i was attending an appointment at the physiotherapy unit.

28th September 2102

Today is a good day for me. Everyone at the physiotherapy unit treated me well. Out of 5 stars, I’d give them 4.5.Yes. It’s that good and convenient, except that unpleasant chief medical officer who kept yelling to the nurses. 

There was no hustle bustle inside the gym. Everything was so calm, and everyone was in a very relaxed pace. I met with a guy around my age who has just undergone an ACL surgery. So, we got the same case. An ACL tear. He looked suffered when he tried to do the step-up-and –down exercise. My heart wobbled a bit. Maybe I will have to undergo the same predicament as his after having my operation. 

The exercises given for me today were quite tough. It took me to use almost all of my strengths to do the weightlifting using my right leg.  It was hard, but it was fun I guess. I was attended by a friendly Chinese doctor, known as Mr. Han, and I was glad I was under his supervision. He’s a good doctor. He did not yell and shriek. I hate the Malay doctor who perpetually scolded his subordinates. I don’t like this kind of doctor. I despise those who unconsciously practice Social Darwinism: the survival of the fittest. I would not like the scene of the nurses get humiliated in front of the patients. 

Maybe it is normal for this kind of thing to happen in hospitals, but still I think the wretched doctor can still change from being an instrumentalist to an expressionistic leader, who would care for the feelings and motivation of his under men.  

This looks exactly like the time how my knee was scrutinized by the doctors and nurses. They were all around me. I was feeling like a test subject who was about to undergo some kind of surgery to transform me into an android/superhero/future soldier. Touche

Saturday 6 October 2012


i am thinking of composing a song as soon as i get to but a guitar. i'm in a stable psychological state; means i never have to worry about anything no more.

i'm in a mood of writing heartwarming lyrics.
lyrics which can reach hearts when it is sang
and rhythms which can treat stress after busy doing assignments and other works

sometimes, a song is just enough to make me happy.

Seizure of Ideas

Just a few minutes of contemplation to reach a plausible and sound judgment actually can put me in content. I came to realize that for the sake of tomorrow, in order to ensure my brain does not cease from secreting juicy and tasty ideas, I have to keep my brain at work.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Rain Rants

Rain drops, rain drops
My heart drops
My heart drops, oh flop.

Rain patters, rain patters
My soul falters
My soul falters, oh mother

Rain taps, rain taps
My heart slaps
My soul swaps, oh crap.

I Turned to Papa

I turned to papa
who sits in the dark corner in our house
Swallowed within the puffy couch,
reading his books, old and new
With his glasses, askew

I turned to papa
Who sits in the dark corner in our house
Drowning he is, sunken he is, paused
Like a submarine who delves in the abyss
No one will interrupt the voyage of his                      

I turned to papa
Who sits in the dark corner of our house.
I turned to papa

Saturday 15 September 2012

Syawal Yang Kosong

Aidilfitri tahun ini merupakan Aidilfitri yang paling berbeza pernah aku rasai, dan mungkin juga paling kosong dan menghibakan. Kulihat langit, langit tidak secemerlang tahun-tahun sudah. Kurenung mega, mega bukannya semegah mega-mega yang selalu, yang berarak di kaki langit bak bunga teratai yang berdansa  di permukaan kolam. Jiwaku tidak mampu untuk mencapai harmoni dengan alam kosmos, dek kerana darahku yang segumpal itu tidak mampu untuk bernyanyi lagi.

Malam itu aku pulang ke Terengganu dengan hati yang ringan dan riang. Semester pendekku baru sahaja melabuhkan tirainya dan hanya satu perkara yang aku mainkan dalam benakku: balik kampung, raya dah dekat. Seingat aku, pada masa itu hanya tinggal beberapa hari lagi puasa sebelum Syawal menjelma.
Setibanya aku di wilayah yang telah lama aku tinggalkan itu, aku terus menghubungi ayah untuk datang menjemputku di terminal bas. Sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke rumah, kami rancak berbual, dan aku berkongsi cerita-ceritaku di universiti. Ayah ialah seorang yang sangat suka berbual, lebih-lebih lagi semenjak memasuki zaman persaraannya.

Aku sampai ke rumah pada pukul 6 pagi tepat. Suasana di kampung halamanku yang hening menghadirkan damai di hatiku. Sudah agak lama bagiku yang berkelana di Kuala Lumpur tidak menghirup oksigen sesegar ini. Aku memberi salam sebelum masuk ke rumah. Seperti yang aku jangka, ibu dan adikku masih lagi di tingkat atas, belum turun lagi nampaknya. Aku mendaratkan bagasi-bagasi yang kupikul di dalam bilikku. Kelihatan ada sedikit perubahan di ruang tamu rumahku; ruang yang dulunya kemas kini agak berselerak. Aku terus melunsur ke bilik air untuk mengambil wuduk bagi menunaikan fardu subuh. Setelah selesai menunaikan solat, kedengaran bunyi tapak kaki ibu yang agak perlahan tempo langkahannya, menuruni satu demi satu anak tangga.

Akhirnya paras dan susuk tubuh ibu yang sudah lama tidak kulihat muncul juga dari balik tirai. Segala perasaan bercampur baur setelah kutatap wajah ibu yang paling kurindui itu. Gembira dan hiba berselang seli menerjah masuk dan keluar dari dadaku. Tubuh ibu sangat kurus dan pipinya cekung. Aku sebak, namun aku tunjuk ekspresi biasa. Aku terus bersalam dan mencium tangan ibu. Sepanjang dua bulan aku tinggalkan ibu, ibu sudah menjadi sebegitu kurus. Namun, aku masih lagi kabur dengan apa yang terjadi.

Sepanjang keberadaanku di rumah, barulah aku mendapat tahu bahawa ibu telah diserang paru-paru berair. Aku sangat terkejut mendengarkan hal ini. Ibu hanya sempat berpuasa tiga hari. Apabila bercakap sahaja tentang perkara itu, ibu menjadi sebak kerana Ramadhannya tahun ini merupakan Ramadhan yang paling tidak sempurna buatnya. Aku faham. Aku faham akan kesengsaraan yang ditanggung oleh ibu, kesengsaraan tidak mampu berpuasa. Ibu hanya banyak meluangkan masanya dengan terlantar di atas katil. Semua kerja rumah dilaksanakan oleh kami adik-beradik. Sekarang aku tahu betapa besarnya pengorbanan ibu. Kami tahu betapa agungnya kasih ibu. Walaupun emosi ibu kadangkala menjadi tidak stabil, kami tidak ambil hati. Aku tahu kesakitan yang dialami ibu telah sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi emosinya.

Setiap kali aku memandang ibu, aku terasa sungguh pilu. Kadang-kadang, aku memandang ibu dari jauh ketika ibu sedang tidur. Itulah insan yang telah melahirkanku. Itulah insan yang telah bersusah-payah membesarkanku. Itulah insan yang telah mengajarkanku apa itu erti cinta. Di kala bersendirian, aku menangis sepuas-puasnya kerana tidak lagi mampu kutanggung sebak yang membeku di dalam hati. Kalau boleh, aku tidak mahu berpisah dengan ibu pada usia semuda ini. Aku perlu menjadi lebih matang dan kuat untuk kuhadapi dunia tanpamu ibu.  


Friday 3 August 2012

last night

Last night was a night of wonder.
I can’t erase the images that I saw in my nightmare which keep appearing in my psyche. 
might I say, 
the embodiment of the bad dream was so vivid 
so much so I could not help myself but keep rewinding 
the same heart-pounding fragments of the dream. I could not agree more with the idea that says 
dreams are just games of sleep. 
It could be that I didn’t wash my feet which caused me to experience such a weird dream, 
on second thought,
 the dream was not just a dream, so to speak. 
I dreamt of being hunted by meteors which bombarded heavily from the sky. 
Is it some kind of news? 

Saturday 28 July 2012


I always get this weird sensation whenever I come across the topic of childhood. I feel like building a time machine to travel back to the past and meet the 'young' me and say these to him:

1. Hi, buddy. Can you tell who am I? I'm you. Future you. Yes you. Amazing ain't?

2. How's mak? And ayah? What' are they doing? Thank them for the love that they bless you with everyday.

3. It's great to see the way you have grown discovering this world, and become mature along with the people inside it. You see, I'm the product of you.

4. I always admire you, my past. I remember you didn't give way to indolence.

5. I like your style in executing your intelligence.

6. Good job for always being the center of attention in your class. Well, you are a smart boy after all. 

7. Thanks a lot for the football training. Hence, me today- a recognized talent with some lethal weapons.

8. But, I'm sorry. You would have to stop playing football for some period of time when you reach 19 years old of age. I'm really sorry. You just have to accept it. Don't worry. I found a way to bring us back on the pitch.

9. Your SPM result will not be that good. It's just so-so.

10. You will meet amazing people and make new friends.

11. Sometimes setbacks would mess up your life, but you will manage to overcome them.

12. You will grow up a handsome man, and have many admirers. What? You don't believe me? Have faith in yourself! (kui3)

13. You will meet a girl and fall in love with her, but due to some circumstances, you decide to break up. 

14. After your downfall, you will rise again and become a strong man.

15. I love you.

'Tis Thee

‘Tis thanking thee, for ‘tis the best
When and if I ever feel without rest
To whom I knew a summer’s brief
Reminiscences and memories redeem relief

‘Tis thanking thee, for who I am
A man of wisdom and much better than them
A killer of disgust of love and disdains
A believer of the One who eternally remains.

Short Story: Pieces of Me

                I was startled by her decision to lash out those painful and icy-cold words. She’s not her anymore. And she’s not here too. She whom I knew and thought as someone who was really kind has obviously gone to somewhere else so alienated even she could not recognize herself anymore. That girl in front of me at that moment was not Jenny. She’s the embodiment of her accumulated hatred and disdain towards me which I presumed have coagulated at the bottom of her heart for so long. Should I see this kind of predicament coming earlier, I would have fled away from our malfunctioning relationship. Falling in love with her was not a good decision at all, but still I perpetuated confessing and expressing my vulnerable emotion towards her despite the signs; after several on-and-offs.

               I met Jenny two years ago, a polite and smart girl who seemed to be every man’s dream girl, when I accidentally stumbled upon her in front of the library in the college. When I first saw her, my eyeballs could not initiate even the slightest degree of movement away from her. She was like an angel who descended from the heavens; her smiling eyes were calming, her wavy shiny black hair, her nose, they were all perfect.

               But now, considering the current condition, I feel nothing but emptiness. Void. It is void that is filling the emptiness. Well, everything started to change when Jenny got enrolled into one of the famous colleges in the country. Even though she kept denying the fact that she was not her old self anymore, but I always looked at her as different person. Her new friends had given her significant negative transformation to her life. I don’t like the way she talks now, the way she rolls her eyes when we pass by some guys by the streets, the way she loves me, the way she cares about me. She’s being extremely intolerant and egoistic with her own helluva of ideologies which dramatically contradict my principles. In short, I don’t love her anymore.

Saturday 30 June 2012

No Title


 It’s me again. Life has been quite boring since the short semester had just begun. The people are the same, the buildings are, the menus at the café are, the roommates are, except the fact that we have moved into a new and better room, I guess.

I feel quite a sympathy for the unlucky students who have to go through all the hustle bustle for the sake of their course registration. Our university seems to not learn from the same old mistakes; they should’ve become smarter after many intakes and semesters passed. They should’ve learnt.


I never saw this coming. I never anticipated my knee’s condition could be this damned. From the earliest point I realized I have to bear with this damnation, I knew my life would never be the same again. I will be expelled from having the Discipline of Velocity if this state perpetuates and never heals. To have a hurt knee means to disband oneself from the world of activeness and indulge in passivity. Passivity is killing me. Passivity is like an entrapment for those who have enlivened their world with meaningful devotions. Once you have lost something, you’d find every way to regain it and try to cherish it once more. What? No, this is not an emo post. This is just a pointless rant.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Here He Comes

At last, finally, essentially, and for the very first time and ever, I have got the chance to see the real form of the latest kamen rider franschise : Kamen Rider Wizard! After thousands and thousands of petty and mistakable rumours from the die-hard fans, I think it is worth waiting. 

Actually, I had hoped that the next Kamen Rider after Fourze will not disappoint the fans with a badly designed and unattractive costume, and pheew, Wizard is not an upset for me, (except the trench-coat, yeah. I think it’s a blot on the view).

For this new series, I hope for a more Kabuto-ish storyline and less slapsticks like in Fourze and cooler protagonist too.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Random Adventure

The monsters are approaching towards me, and I, if truth to be told, am going to pee in my pants. The bug-like creatures endlessly swarm the place, and the number keeps growing. I don’t really know what really happens, but I somehow was transferred into this weird location full of human debris and reek of the stench of blood. The creatures are fearsome. They have this razor-sharp cutters connected to their mouth, I would say. They are swamp-green in colour, which disgusts me since it appears that the embodiment of a colour is shit-like.

But I somehow possess a weird-looking belt in my right hand in all of a sudden. Magically, whether it is from the power of my intuition or discretion or illumination or whatever it is, I buckle the belt up around my waist and, after doing some hand gestures—I transform into a bulky, handsome being, equipped with a miraculous alien suit and  kapoww bang boom pow, that is how the story goes.

I wake up and find out I am lying in my bed. I check around my waist, there’s no magical belt after all. It is only the rolled blanket which covers my belly. Ah. What a first-class delusion it was. It was surreal yet real. Once in a while, it is okay to transform to your alter egos in dreams.

Monday 4 June 2012


The mid semester break is just around the corner. I cannot help but feel so excited about it. It has been quite a while since I gone back home, and I have always missed all the things in my hometown. The most apparent is the scent of the air; it’s really different if I take a whiff here compared to that in Terengganu. Here is a bit soggy, but concentrated with the sharp ‘fragrance’ of chemicals lingering in the air. Terengganu’s? It’s like you are living in a big inhaler.

There’s only one paper left, and I’m putting all my efforts to secure an A for that subject. An A can dramatically change your CGPA, and I need to boost my CGPA as soon as possible. There’s no much time left. Time and tides wait for no man, they say. I’ll be the one who will ride on the surface of the rough rolling waves and emerge as a survivor. Well..I need a raft then.Hm

Sunday 3 June 2012

2 a.m. in the morning

It’s already 2 a.m. in the morning and I still could not sleep. There are too many things which keep charging strains in my head. I think about many things; about how many things have changed, and some of them which I didn’t want to be changed, well at least, not too drastically. I’ve been observing some people whom I thought important in my life. I somehow could not resist but to allow them to persist with what they were doing. Sometimes I feel remorse flowing inside me when I saw and kept cursing on how dumb they were. It’s not my fault after all. I did lash them with some appropriate advice.* long sigh*

Tuesday 22 May 2012

It's Raining

The weather is cold outside. The rain has fallen again. I love rain. I love the feeling when it is raining. The smell, the chilly yet temperate sensation that you get when the rain comes down. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Good grades, anyone?

My father said this: your examination result slip is a good fortune teller; it can tell you whether you will have an easy run along a clear highway or you have to pass through a muddy road which has potholes. Well, it’s quite true sometimes. I believe outstanding examination results are one of those stepping stones that human use to boost themselves and fly higher to extent which they can find complacency.

“Good grades don’t reflect true wisdom”. Yes. That might be true. One’s intelligence and insight cannot be measured only by using grades or whatsoever.  This argument is fine actually, but not ephemeral. One can be rebutted very easily when he or she uses this kind of statement. Why? The process of achieving excellence in the examination should have initiated from the very first place of human soul: motivation. And where does motivation come from? It’s your wisdom. The wisdom is the very essence which channels the motivation to your physical body to act accordingly to enjoin what is good for you and to shy away from evil.

So, I don’t really get along with people who hold with that idea. GOOD GRADES DO REFLECT TRUE WISDOM.

Thursday 1 March 2012

What Goes Up Must Come Down

What goes up must come down. That’s Murphy’s Law. It applies virtually to everything. We take a ball, for example, we throw the ball upwards into the air, and naturally it will come down due to the presence of gravitational force. It would be an out-of-the-world experience to watch a ball floating in the air without any physical support, except you have an invisible man holding the ball there.

What goes up must come down. People go through ups and downs. It is the shitty reality in living in this real-time temporal dwelling place. Nobody can say he or she can stay in the realm of his or her heyday forever. Nobody. There are times we breath in the air of triumph triumphantly, and there are those times when we are suffocated, succumbed by our own existence in this tiny little planet. That’s life. Life is not always a bed of roses after all. Life is real, life is hard. Sometimes, life is death.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Menanti Sebuah Katarsis

                Tragedi yang menimpaku kira- kira dua tahun yang sudah masih lagi segar dalam benakku. Lutut kananku merakam duka yang telah berkali-kali cuba aku padam namun apakan daya, bekas terjahan maut dari sisi itu tidak mampu untuk hilang dalam sekelip mata.

                 Dendam? Tidak. Aku langsung tidak menaruh sebarang kesumat terhadap sesiapa atas apa yang berlaku, walau sekelumit. Bukannya mahu dihambur pujian, tetapi aku percaya membiarkan dendam bersarang dalam lubuk kalbu merupakan satu pilihan salah yang mungkin meracun imanku.

                Sesekali ada juga bertandang amarah membakar emosiku. Dari mana datangnya, aku pun tak tahu. Mungkin dari sakitnya pedih yang aku rasai, atau mungkin sakit itu datangnya dari hati? Ah. Jangan difikir dalam-dalam. Makin celaru aku jadinya nanti. Persoalan bila lutut aku akan pulih merejam- rejam mindaku yang buntu tanpa kepastian. Aku tak mahu jadi cacat sampai mati. Aku kepingin benar untuk melangkah masuk ke padang dengan zat dan bentukku yang semutlak- mutlaknya, dengan kudrat dan kemampuanku semaksimumnya diolah dan diterjemahkan menjadi satu maha karya, kalau boleh dan diizinkan.

              Bola sepak merupakan hidupku. Bagi orang lain, benda itu tidak lebih daripada sebiji bola bodoh yang disepak- sepak. Jadi mungkin pada pemahaman mereka, kes seorang manusia dewasa yang tidak mampu untuk bermain bola hanya satu perbincangan yang trivial dan kecil. Ya. Kecil bagi mereka, tapi tidak pada aku. Bola kecil yang bodoh tu kandung makna satu dunia untuk aku. Aku membesar dengan bola sepak, dan aku nak terus tua dengan bola sepak.

                Si Lutut Kanan masih lagi tidak menampakkan tanda- tanda untuk keluar dari zon rehat yang panjang, malah bertambah teruk. Pedihnya makin pekat. Salah aku juga. Terlebih guna. Kini, aku ke kelas setiap hari terhincut- hincut. Rutin harian makin sukar tanpa sebelah kaki yang sempurna. Aku mengecap perepeteia dan anagnorisis yang dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan dengan hati yang lapang dan terbuka. Sambil itu, aku tertanya- tanya bila agaknya katarsis untuk tragedi ini akan datang menjelma.  Bila ya?

Sunday 12 February 2012

If I Were A Ninja

I’ve been admiring men in suits and costumes, especially the ones which usually appear in animes and superhero movies or even super sentais  - say it Spider-Man, Batman, Kamen Rider and many more to be named.

 To tell you the truth, I’m just so caught up, attracted, amazed, amused, mesmerized, astonished, vaccinated with characters whose outfits are designed to be equipped with masks and armours. Every moment seeing a superhero costumes or the likes will always dose me with undescribed enthralment.  It is most likely that I got this enthusiasm from my father, who is quite into ninjas.

Ninja, obviously, is from Japan. I have always been fantasizing what it would be like to be a ninja since I was a child; learning to master special uncanny jutsus, equipped with cool gadgets and weapons(kunai and shuriken), as well as the awing fighting techniques.

If I were a ninja, there are several things that I wish I can do. Firstly, it would be delightful to move as fast as lightning without anyone noticing. You see, there’s a lot that can be done when you have the ability to move fast; you can win in any race, you shall be entitled the speed demon in your football team, chasing an escaping thief, or somewhat represent your country in the internationals. How fun it could be when you have the power of speed spinning within your legs.

If I were a ninja, I think I should also consider holding a professional personnel security business. It’s quite easy. Someone shall hire me for his security within a stipulated period, and covering an accorded task. I think this kind of job can give me a living, though I have to face death every time I’m at work. Despite the challenges I might encounter, it should be fun—taking out the bad guys, saving some civilians as well as stabbing some rogues straight through their ribs.

If I were a ninja, I will cheat in exams, yeah, I know, you will do the same thing. Possessing special chameleon jutsu, access to the teacher’s or lecturer’s office will not be a problem. Without any doubt, I shall copy or take a look at the answers beforehand. Clone jutsu is a suitable technique to pass with flying colours.

If I were a ninja, I would like to use any jutsu that can send me flying high in the sky. I always crave to bathe in the sea of puffy clouds, and at the same time savour the moment of looking down to all people on the earth below.

If I were a ninja....ah, forget it. As if it’s gonna happen.

Friday 10 February 2012

As Sweet as Football

Great. Just great. The football league is just around the corner and I can’t help myself struggling with injury. My right knee’s been called again to the injury list. Merely weeks before the start of my schooling in KL, I was playing futsal with my friends and that’s when the old wound bled again. I went to the masseur whose service had always been the one I looked for. I got some wires tangled in there, the result after conducting some majestic footwork. haha. 

The bones too, are swollen. I hardly moved in that period of fresh injury. I tried to hide it from my parents at first, but the cat was out of the bag as soon as a cousin who paid us a visit noticed about my strange catwalk. I was scolded by my mom, but never mind, I am used to it.

Talking about the football league, I sense a pinch of remorse in me. Had I ignored my friend’s invitation to play on that fateful night, I must have been able to go on training with my teammates every evening starting from the opening of the new semester. The team captain told me his plan to put me up front as striker pairing with some other guy whom I just knew from the previous semester. 

But then again, man proposes God disposes. I could hardly sprint amidst the pitch; or worse I would even not able to dribble pass the opponents, and, not to mention-the worst case scenario that might happen- I can’t shoot accurately and with power given the condition of my right knee. Scoring goals is the job of a striker after all. Our team is not really abound with players who take the role as strikers. So, for the time being, I can say I am one of the top dogs in our team.

Tapi tu lah, lutut aku sakit. Macam mane aku nak main. Oh Tuhan, sembuhkanlah lututku dan berikan aku peluang untuk menikmati manisnya bola sepak, sekali lagi. Amin.

Monday 30 January 2012

I'm Here Waiting

I am always here waiting for you
Dancing in the growing darkness
Singing along to the tune of duskiness
That was played by the harp of the nights

I am always here watching for you
As you ride along the dusty, insensate road
As you climb the tall fat wall to reload
As you realize it’s not day but twilights

I am here and there for you
Seeking high and low
I paid some visits to say hello
Alack, my presence will ignite frights

I am always here waiting for you
Expecting the ripe moment
To begin my concert of separating and torment.

p/s: who am I? I'm D

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Robots,Hearts, Hell

Many a people find it is a must to fall in love since they don’t wish to turn themselves into robots. How do they relate these two things? Robots? Love? Falling in love, again and again, time and again, is it really, intrinsically the nature of man? I mean, is it an utter necessity to have a pakwe/makwe along by your side while you are still, figuratively, do not have a proper grasp onto yourself?

 How about you yourself? -Your financial issue, your job, your everything. Oh, and how about your parents? Your study? I, for one, as a student, does not harmonise with the fall-in-love attitude. not anymore.

For some reasons, I could not help myself but to scorn to the ideology of youngster-but-not-yet-matured love. i’m sorry if my words offended anyone, but seeing this situation really gives me a gist of tasting hell. i could not find a way on how not to feel guilty wasting my parents’ money to buy top-ups, as well as the remorse to top-up more sins.

One more thing, the topic regarding hearts, broken hearts, for example, should not be treated too seriously.
The people who do not have bf/gf are not robots btw. maybe they are still searching the meaning of life, and also to suffice themselves, to make it more sensible and logical to find a mortal love, when the time is right.

 ah. but this piece of writing might just be applicable only to a student like me who still needs to strive for my study. for those who have worked and have already get the grasp of your gravity(already got your source of income and all), fall la in love with suitable person ork. nok ngat fall in love. find one.

p/s: this is not a serious writing, it’s just a casual one. trust me.

Thursday 5 January 2012

. . .

Putting aside dreams, hopes, wishes, desires, vision, mission, aim, target, or whatever you call them, let’s see what’s left in you. Nothing. An empty vessel that contains some functional organs, and certainly a brain, but still nothing, as in nothing nothing. Human live on hopes and dreams, and we feed on success, accomplishment and realization of our dreams. As a matter of fact, the will to dream is one of the distinctions that separate our species from animals and plants. If the fuel of a car is petroleum, then the fuel which keeps pushing human forward is a little coherent thing called desire. Fullstop.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Bad Cough, Exams, Home

It’s been a while since I got infected with some sort of bacterium which constantly reproducing(tremendously), invading, intruding, and hacking into my respiratory system. I couldn’t help myself but coughing persistently when i got the feeling of the weird airflow lingering in my throat.

A perfect masterpiece is finished in no time- a bad bad cough. Not a good timing though. How I wish it to occur at least a bit later since I am still struggling(literally) in the examination week. not a single soul who dwells in this wretched world will let the precious remaining marks to be abolished from his sight.

 what more it has came to finals. i cannot let that to happen. to me, if it comes to exams, it’s a war then. this issue is no kick-about. my parents always told me to always be ready to face exams, no matter how petty or pesky the examination is. ok mom. ok dad. all checked. no worries. i’ll be home in one piece.