
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Far off on the horizon, I saw a lady in a yellow dress, she was wearing a blue headscarf, and she looked decent, for me at least. It was when I was sitting at my work table, when I noticed a slight but significant change in the ever beautiful atmosphere - she was the change.

The lady seemed to be waiting for someone as she kept glancing on her tiny wrist watch, which was as tiny as her arms. As she waited, I waited too. My eyeballs could not stop tracking where her eyeballs went. She must be in her late twenties, I think.

Under a shady tree she stood. And my eyes too, felt the shade that she might feel. Her beauty was a little out of the ordinary; an electrifying yellow shade to my sight. I must admit that it only took me three seconds to fall in love with her.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Saya nak jadi superhero.
Saya nak ada satu kuasa luar biasa untuk menjadi satu aset bagi umat manusia.
Saya nak selamatkan manusia semua.
Saya nak tembak-tembak musuh kemanusian dengan Gelombang Kuasa saya.
Saya nak ke situ,saya nak ke sana, saya nak ke mana-mana sahaja.
Saya nak terbang ke mana jua.
Saya nak itu, saya nak ini.
Saya nak semuanya.
Sebab saya superhero.
Saya boleh buat apa sahaja.

Kerana cinta
lidah-lidah bodoh
mampu mengungkapkan 
puisi agung 

Kerana cinta
puing-puing rapuh
bertukar jadi jambatan kukuh

Kerana cinta
ramai pemuda
Sangka dia mampu daratkan kejora
Untuk gadis yang dia cinta

Orang kata cinta itu buta
Cinta tak pernah buta


Saturday 16 August 2014

Forlorn is the best word to describe my world now.
Forlornly in solitude.
Forlornly in segregation.
Forlornly out of love.
I am not perfect and I knew it all along and I dont need someone to tell me that fact. Nobody's perfect. My brain always tells me that praises and acclaims would only award me with false perfection. Us human never want to appear imperfect before the eyes of others.

Some friends ask me why am I so silent on facebook, twitter and etc. my answer is there is no point of being over talkative and active on facebook if you are not the same active person in the real world. dwelling in social media is unreal. i like real stuffs. i dont like to appear and show off, posting pictures and glorious newly-found jobs all over the internet so that every eyes would see and every mind would know; that's just not me. i will keep it to myself and others will only know not from my social media accounts; they would either know from me when they ask or someone tell them about it.

beyond our conscious and conscience, we always inculcate the culture of riak and ujub in our daily life.

Saturday 19 July 2014

What more can I say. I am a truly a man of the Nature!

Din, my new housemate, brought me to a place I had never thought existed before. The location is surprisingly near to my workplace. Din had shown me to the path which replenished my energy. We went to the rapids in the hutan simpan. The scenery was extraordinary. It has been forever since I felt that great watching the beautiful design of the Almighty Creator. Truth is, I can literally sense the natural energy diffusing into every bit of my blood and vein. It was refreshing and I was superbly nature-stricken!

I nearly burst into tears when I sat on one of the rocks at the rapids thinking how Allah has designed the universe so great and vast just for the humans to ponder and contemplate upon His greatness. The nature is the Sign of the Creator. I was back to nature when I was at the rapids. I dipped my feet in the cold water and I felt its utter coldness. I wonder how cold is it in the Poles.

And I wonder, in unspeakable fear, how hot will the Fire be.

The war has become a metaphor, not just history.

Warmongers are exhilarated to see blood spilling all over the place. Politicians keeping mum. Humanity is abundant, but not existent!

The war has become a metaphor, not just history.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

My teaching profession has been really intriguing so far. The students cooperate well with me and my teaching methodology seems to fit in the classroom. I am glad my experience of taking the Learning and Teaching English course with Dr. Maimunah has been really helpful.

The atmosphere here is spectacular. The bond between lecturers and students is surprisingly strong! I had a good time bluffing and talking and lecturing in the classroom in front of my students.

Saturday 12 July 2014


I opened the door.

An onslaught of strange stares and gazes from the battalion of bewildered eyes attacked me in an instance. I shielded the assault with a smile. After all, a smile is a curved line that sets things straight. 

My arrival marked the end of the stochasticity in the room. Everyone was racing to sit back in their position. Not a single thing is audible, except for the thuds in my chest. The atmosphere was suppressed by my existence. I put my things on the table; my eyeballs scanning the timid faces in front of me. The sensation which rushed through my veins was unfathomable and inexplicable. Their minds were hung by a clear uncertainty: what kind of man am I?

It took me nine seconds to reveal to them who I am:

"Assalamualaikum everyone. I will be your new lecturer."


Sunday 2 February 2014

Reminder To Future Self

When you read this, you might have read it for a number of times. As you grow older, you will certainly come across this post, and I will be glad if you read it over and over again. This is a mere reminder, an admonition.

By looking at me now ( I mean us), I fear you are not that fit to become a Winner. Your nonchalance gives you quite a trouble, or might I say handful. You could not escape from being infected with the youth disease, procrastinating. I assume it is very hard for you to become a committed person in whatever you are doing. I feel sad for you. I really am.

By every semester, your grades exacerbate your CGPA. Every semester is an acid test for you; you have hard times telling your exam results to mom and dad. I know you just want to make them happy that you just want to tell the good news. They have high hopes on you. I can see that from their eyes and words. You are their brilliant son who will excel in every test that he sits. Your calming words nurture their hope, but I am afraid Time will reveal to them how weak you are. You are weak my friend. Stop giving excuses. Stop looking a problem as if it's somebody's fault.

You must change for good.
Please help yourself.
Please help us.
Please help me.
Put Allah as your priority, and He will put you as His.


Some eyes were looking at me with all fierceness as if derived by the intention of murder. I could not but to stare back at them with a nonchalant gaze. Some friends posed blunt and probing questions, and I ridiculed them straight away in their faces.

I am glad.