
Saturday 16 August 2014

I am not perfect and I knew it all along and I dont need someone to tell me that fact. Nobody's perfect. My brain always tells me that praises and acclaims would only award me with false perfection. Us human never want to appear imperfect before the eyes of others.

Some friends ask me why am I so silent on facebook, twitter and etc. my answer is there is no point of being over talkative and active on facebook if you are not the same active person in the real world. dwelling in social media is unreal. i like real stuffs. i dont like to appear and show off, posting pictures and glorious newly-found jobs all over the internet so that every eyes would see and every mind would know; that's just not me. i will keep it to myself and others will only know not from my social media accounts; they would either know from me when they ask or someone tell them about it.

beyond our conscious and conscience, we always inculcate the culture of riak and ujub in our daily life.

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