
Friday 10 June 2011

Monsters Behind the Wheels

Have you ever encountered these situations while driving?:

- Someone honking you with blaring horn but you  practically knew what he/she barking at?
- Overtaken by a rude driver, with a repulsive expression on his/her face, that" you should not ride like a     tortoise!"? 

Well, you are in Malaysia, and remember, when you are in Malaysia, do like the Malaysians do:HONK!!!

I feel compelled to write about the bad habits of Malaysian drivers. It's a real shame that people who are well-known for being polite and courteous are the exact opposite the moment they are behind the wheel. Worst of all, reckless drivers may cause the death of an innocent pedestrian or a law-abiding motorist.

There are impatient drivers who honk when they are caught in traffic jams. What's the point of doing that when others in front are in the same predicament? While vehicles in another lane inch along, these impatient drivers jump the queue by switching lanes. When their vehicles cannot be negotiated into the limited space available, traffic is held up. What stupidity and inconsideration!

Foolhardy drivers overtake at road bends when they are unable to see round them. Others overtake along double lines. The risks of causing accidents are very high in such situations.

Then, there are those Malaysians who are always in a rush. They beat traffic lights as if waiting one or two minutes longer would make so much of a difference! They don't seem to care that in those few seconds after the lights have turned red, they could cause an accident.

Vehicles are haphazardly parked on road shoulders. Some are parked facing the wrong direction of traffic flow. Some motorists do not park their vehicles within allotted bays. Their 'car butts' or their trunk extend into the next bay.

Malaysian drivers must learn to respect the rights of other road users. Most of them are discourteous, inconsiderate , and lack civic-consciousness.

                                                                Cool masterpiece huh?