
Thursday 18 July 2013

Eternal Damnation

Last night I got this weird dream, very peculiar in any degree of dreams I must say. i don't think it was just a bogus play by the Satan. I think it somehow tried to impart some kind of message to my conscience. Yes. I think this is real. These continual and perennial fragments of unsolved puzzle just keep coming. I saw 'her'. She was staring at me with her round eyes but i just don't get what she was trying to say. Her gaze was trying to tell me that I am the malefactor, not anyone else. The gaze was a mixture of many emotions, notably hatred. In the dream, I kept mum and stared back at her. Then she vanishes.

This dream keeps coming in my sleep. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

Campfire in Our House

Hi, it's me again.

I still remember the days in Ramadhan when we were still kids, Ayah had always enticed us to not to sleep after sahur by telling his ghost-stories after we took our sahur. His tales were so well-crafted and appealing that we didn’t even have the chance to feel sleepy. 

The image is still vividly emblazoned in my psyche; there, we sat in circle in the dark living room, as we went along with Ayah’s instantly-made stories. Yes. Almost every story that he told us are made up on the spot! We siblings had been very attentive to his story-telling. All sorts of hantu were created; hantu kipas, hantu pen, and many more hantus who haunt normal things like stationeries and cutleries were all there. The coolest part was, we never get bored of his stories. Ayah is one excellent ad-hoc story-teller.

Happy Ramadhan.

Thursday 4 July 2013


The furore over the so-claimed unfair and dirty recent general election
is not over yet.Here and there people seek for remedial actions for this
kind of mental torture; the torture of the vicinity of future,
the people wants something more legit, and something more realistic, and timely.

Wednesday 3 July 2013


I must say the current situation of mine is extremely abominable.
I regularly, and vehemently force myself to be a man whose transferability of skills and drills being recognized and revered by the public.
The urge to propel myself to prominence really pumps me up. I am in dire need to mimic the illustrious past success now.
And I will remain convinced.