
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

I'll Be Back

Dear footie,
I'll be back in one year time
I'll be back with a new key
I'll be back to my prime.

Dear footie,
I'll be back in another twelve months
I'll be back when the chain is free
I'll be back and continue my hunts.

Dear footie,
I'll be back and restore my lead
I'll be back slow and steady
I'll be back when He says, "You're on kid!"

Dear footie,
I'll be back come what may
I'll be back.

p/s: ho toh amek nok ngak,puah puahsang tercipte sajok bahasa inggerih sedah

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A Snake from the Dark Cave

This is my observation for the past three weeks when i was attending an appointment at the physiotherapy unit.

28th September 2102

Today is a good day for me. Everyone at the physiotherapy unit treated me well. Out of 5 stars, I’d give them 4.5.Yes. It’s that good and convenient, except that unpleasant chief medical officer who kept yelling to the nurses. 

There was no hustle bustle inside the gym. Everything was so calm, and everyone was in a very relaxed pace. I met with a guy around my age who has just undergone an ACL surgery. So, we got the same case. An ACL tear. He looked suffered when he tried to do the step-up-and –down exercise. My heart wobbled a bit. Maybe I will have to undergo the same predicament as his after having my operation. 

The exercises given for me today were quite tough. It took me to use almost all of my strengths to do the weightlifting using my right leg.  It was hard, but it was fun I guess. I was attended by a friendly Chinese doctor, known as Mr. Han, and I was glad I was under his supervision. He’s a good doctor. He did not yell and shriek. I hate the Malay doctor who perpetually scolded his subordinates. I don’t like this kind of doctor. I despise those who unconsciously practice Social Darwinism: the survival of the fittest. I would not like the scene of the nurses get humiliated in front of the patients. 

Maybe it is normal for this kind of thing to happen in hospitals, but still I think the wretched doctor can still change from being an instrumentalist to an expressionistic leader, who would care for the feelings and motivation of his under men.  

This looks exactly like the time how my knee was scrutinized by the doctors and nurses. They were all around me. I was feeling like a test subject who was about to undergo some kind of surgery to transform me into an android/superhero/future soldier. Touche

Saturday, 6 October 2012


i am thinking of composing a song as soon as i get to but a guitar. i'm in a stable psychological state; means i never have to worry about anything no more.

i'm in a mood of writing heartwarming lyrics.
lyrics which can reach hearts when it is sang
and rhythms which can treat stress after busy doing assignments and other works

sometimes, a song is just enough to make me happy.

Seizure of Ideas

Just a few minutes of contemplation to reach a plausible and sound judgment actually can put me in content. I came to realize that for the sake of tomorrow, in order to ensure my brain does not cease from secreting juicy and tasty ideas, I have to keep my brain at work.